Spiritual Motivations by Type

This post gives some brief descriptions of the Spiritual Motivations by Type.

ENFJ Facilitate Growth and harmony of God’s people

INFP Follow Lofty Ideals

ESFJ Enjoy Mothering, guiding, protecting, and encouraging everyone

ISFP To Experience the Kindness and Generosity of the Lord

ENFP Enjoy the Variety of God and Many Projects to be Accomplished

ENTP Learn about God and Meet the Challenges He Presents

INFP Experience a Mystical Relationship

INTP Marvel at the Precision of God’s Plan

INTJ Fulfill their sense of Logic

ENTJ Lead all Triumphantly to the Lord

ISTP Enjoy the adventure and Excitement of

ESTJ Protect All and do Good and right things

ISFJ Obey the Command of God to take Care of Others

ISTJ Fulfil a Clear Sense of Duty

ESTP Solve Crisis and Problems with God’s help and Personal Gifts

ESFP Live in the Sheer Drama of it and Share tbe Man y People Crisis


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