Values for all: Adaptabilty


This is a poem about Values for all: Adaptability. I hope you enjoy this and the rest of the series.

There is nothing as constant as change
It’s folly to resist what the world rearranged
The ridged trees break while the supple do bend
Better to adapt than be dead in the end

It’s not always easy to bend and not break
To start over now may seem a mistake
But the ones who survive when the world takes a turn
Are the ones in the end who really know how to learn

We all have these moments that challenge our days
The birth of a child or and empty nest phase
A lost job or illness a friend who betrays
A rushed move or maybe endless delays

So hold onto your core your values my friends
Yet know how to change that’s how it all ends
And when the time comes for the final roll call
You’ll be ready to leave life for the biggest of all

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