Jesus Asleep in the Boat

This sermon discusses the time Jesus was Asleep in the Boat  . The disciples were concerned about the coming storm. Jesus didn’t seem to notice.

We were able to visit the Holy Land. As part of the tour we had a ride on tour boat on the Sea of Galilee. Thankfully, the weather was fair and pleasant. However, we were thought about how the weather over the sea can change rapidly.

It was late in the day. Jesus was tired. We can imagine He was speaking to a crowd and/or praying for individuals. Some of disciples were seasoned sailors. Yet, it seems this was a particularly bad storm.

They begin to do what they have always done However, they need all the help they can get. So they wake up Jesus. They want Him to help bail the boat.


Jesus does something else instead! He calms the storm. Now the Disciples are no longer afraid. They are terrified of the miracle!

when people ask me to pray for the weather I am liable to say, “I’m in sales not management.” Not so for Lily, my late wife. Once we were enduring the tail end of a hurricane. She talked me into a prayer walk around the church property. Afterwards, there were trees down. However, they all on all sides fell away from the property!

The old joke is about praying for rain. The members of a Texas church pleaded with the pastor to have a special service to pray for rain. When they showed up he canceled the service. He said they lacked the faith. “Why would you say so?” They asked. “ None of you brought an umbrella”

My wife Brenda, is an RN. She took a job that seemed good. However, it turned into the worst she had ever had. It was definitely a Stormy time. But then there came a call from a headhunter. That launched her into the best part of her career!


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