Spiritual Warfare







Spiritual Warfare is topic that most of us would prefer not to consider. However, it is a real problem that we will encounter sooner or later. C. S. Lewis has the wise opinion.

It seems to me that we can categorize the ways in which the Devil attacks us.

The most basic thing we know about the Devil is that he is also known as The Father of Lies.

M. Scott Peck, wrote the definitive book on how people act out lives based on lies: The People of the Lie.

We all know the truth of this strategy. It is so easy to get distracted from the most important tasks.

One of the worst thing that can happen to us is to lose hope. It zaps our energy. It kills our appetite. We just feel tired.

So often the things that happen to use do not need to thwart us. The Devil will tell us how bad things are. However, there is truth in the sentiment that the other side of a crisis is indeed an opportunity.

The truth is we are all dying everyday and one day we will indeed die from this life. As Christians we can look death in the face without fear as we trust in eternal life.





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