
I am proud to be an Eagle Scout so I thought I’d write a poem for each of the 12 “ A Scout is…..”  The Sixth is Kind.

A little act of kindness can so meaningfully be

Lift my spirits when a stranger sees my disability

And with a smile and sweet request asks if I need some aid

I say sure and slip into the chair that she has wheeled my way

I could have walked those twenty yards with walker in my grip

Yet it made both I and she so pleased to share the little trip

For to me the twenty seemed a hundred while to her a brief aside

And smiling made the journey sweet to give me such a ride

May she be blessed in giving as I was blessed for sure

And may we both remember this when next we do endure

Or have an opportunity to help another’s plight

And add a bit of tenderness by doing what seems right


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Also a post in Ignighting Your faith with Kindness Click here.

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