

I am proud to be an Eagle Scout so I thought I’d write a poem for each of the 12 “ A Scout is…..”  The Seventh is Obedient


Culture needs it’s rules and orders

To us keep us safe within our borders

Be it home or school or nation

Requires obedient participation 

Parents help us cross the street

Wash our hands and stomp our feet

When to wake and when to sleep

How to wash and how to eat

Teachers add more things we learn

Be on time and take our turn

Raise you hand before you speak

Rules for games like hide and seek

Religion has an equal part

Obeying God right from the start

Love the Lord and neighbor too

As you’d wish they would treat you

Others places others times

Have rules to follow making rhymes

In the army at work or play

We do our best and we obey


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