Living in the Now

This poem is entitled: Living in the Now
Now that I am old and gray
The future still seems far away
While yesterday has come and gone
Yet memories to me belong

Though some have faded like a mist
The best have managed to persist
Oh let us strive to live today
In the moment come what may

For past and future cannot be
As meaningful for you and me
When I was young I yearned to grow
To pass through time that seemed so slow

Each year was just a stepping stone
Towards the greater things unknown
But little did I then perceive
How precious then would come to be

It’s true that much is common place
And boredom may so easily replace
The wonder and the joy we seek
Each passing day and fleeting week

Yet if we turn our thoughts to Grace
The finger of our Lord we’ll trace
Each moment can somehow inspire
And kindle in our hearts a fire

Of praise and gratitude for life
In spite of troubles fear or strife
A bit of wisdom hope or love
Within our souls from His great love

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