AI and dream interpretation 

AI and dream interpretation 

I recently heard Jordon Peterson say that AI can interpret dreams. So I decided to give it a try.

I dreamed I was polishing a metal sphere. It was slightly domed with concentric rings. I used a variety of abrasives so that coarse was used on the outer rings. Then progressively finer abrasives were used in concentric inner rings. In addition, each successive ring was a different color of the rainbow. 

I asked ChatGPT What is the meaning of the dream?


“Dreams are highly subjective, and their meanings can vary. However, this dream may symbolize a process of refinement or personal growth. The metal sphere could represent a core aspect of yourself, and the act of polishing with different abrasives may suggest a gradual improvement or honing of your skills, experiences, or personality traits. The use of colors and concentric rings might reflect a diverse and evolving journey. Ultimately, the interpretation depends on your personal feelings and experiences.”

This is very close to my interpretation of the dream. I have recently switched denominations. I am now a priest in the Charismatic Episcopal Church. I am in a period of personal spiritual growth. I have purchased a new Bible with a different translation. I want to read it afresh without all the high lighting and notes of the one I have used for decades. 

Also, I have been watching the videos of my new Bishop preaching.  All this is helping me absorb some slightly different theological perspectives about salvation and Christian living. In addition I am reading some different authors’ theological works as well. 

Perhaps more importantly I have been making some significant changes in how I relate to people in my family and in general. I find this dream to be an affirmation of the process.

Thus I recommend you, the reader,  might try asking AI to help interpret your dreams. Of course, not to the exclusion of other forms of dream work that have been explained in other posts on this site.


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