Thirst for righteousness


Blessed are those who hunger and Thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. 

Thirst for righteousness: Now we no longer wish to settle for less than the best life. Currently one of the most popular persons on the planet is Jordon Peterson. Two of his books and many of his YouTube videos have gone viral. He is in demand world wide as a lecturer. Among his rules for life he exhorts us to Aim High. Have a worthy goal. Seek to be the best person you can be. Compare yourself to who you were yesterday and incrementally seek to better just a little bit better each day. It is inspiring to witness his popularity among young men from around the globe of have a thirst for righteousness.



Righteousness means to live in right relationships. Small talk is no longer enough. We want to be real with one another and honest with ourselves. Another of Peterson’s rules is “Tell the truth, or at least don’t lie.” We can also again learn from people in Recovery groups. At first alcohols or addicts are happy enough to just stop participating in their addictions. However, later Steps lead them to make “a fearless moral inventory” and “ make amends to those they have harmed.”  They come to realize the spiritual nature of their recovery and seek a closer relationship with God. 

Jesus said, “seek first the Kingdom.” The Greek actually means, “Seek and keep on seeking.” He goes on to say “and you will receive.”

31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

Matthew 6:31-34 – NIV


One of my passions is prison ministry. Kairos is the program where I have participated for over 20 years.  Before these men come to faith, they indeed have plenty of nothing. Even their names are replaced with numbers. They often don’t have even one friend because it is so hard to trust anyone in that environment. However, through participating in Kairos they can become part of a Christian community inside the prison. They are not free in a worldly sense, yet they are free inside themselves! It is a great encouragement to me to witness their “hunger and thirst for righteousness” as they grow in their faith. Some of the Lifers are among the most mature Christians I know.

Complete turn around

I was recently amazed at the complete turn around (That’s the meaning of repentance.) of one of the participants of Kairos. At the end of each weekend retreats the participants are given two minutes to share. This young man said something like this. “I came for the food but I got much more. I was committed to and followed Satan. Now I follow Jesus.” Nine months later I was at the prison for the annual volunteer’s thank you dinner. During the intervening time a new program from Campus Crusade was introduced at the prison. In fact it was the first time the program was used anywhere. The motivation for the program was the realization that many inmates can’t read. Over 300 Bible stories were presented to the participants to memorize so they might tell them in their own words. During these annual events one of the inmates, (or as we call them residents) is chosen to speak. In this case one of the participants in the new program was introduced to share the stories surrounding the birth of Jesus. The person chosen was none other the same man who had formally followed Satan. He had already memorized all of the stories. His zeal for righteousness brought him and all of us a blessing.

As our relationships become more righteous we grow in our desire to reach out to others. This is the next Beatitude we become more merciful to others.

Questions for reflection and/or discussion

  1. Who in your life has been an example of righteousness? 
  2. For what do you or have you hungered and thirst?
  3. How have you pursued your passion?
  4. What is God now calling to to do?

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