November 2: 1Thessalonians 5:8 But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet.
I’ve participated in the Kairos prison ministry since 2001. At the end of each weekend there is a closing service. Often the Warden would come and say a few encouraging words. One has stuck with me. He said, “a person without hope is a dangerous person!” Faith in Jesus offered in prison gives these men hope for a better life even if they are in for life.
One weekend was the most memorable for me. All the residents (as we call the prisoners) have nicknames. Spider got this moniker because of the spider web tattoo on his elbow. It had three flies captured in the web; one for each person he had killed. Other tattoos included a swastica and thunderbolt. Obvious symbols of the Nazis.
Some of the team were concerned when he was placed in a group with five black men. We wondered how this could work, especially when on the first evening Spider shared he had only come for the food.
However, by the end of the weekend Spider and his 5 group members were hugging and sharing they were brothers in Christ.
The Hope of Salvation through the Grace and Forgiveness of God will provide Spider with the Amor fo God for a meaningful life, even if he dies in prison. He is no longer a dangerous person.
My favorite verse these days is Romans 8:28
“All things work together for good for those who trust the Lord.”
The many people who make the food and bake the cookies hope people like Spider will receive the Bread of Life as well.
Additionally on each morning of a Kairos weekend the team prays through the Amor of God. We remember that we are fighting the spiritual forces of darkness for the souls of residents like Spider.
How has hope brought you through difficult times?
How have you been able to share your faith with others who are at risk of losing hope?
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