March 14 Romans 4:3

March 14 Romans 4:3

“For what does the Scripture say? ‘Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness.’”


1. Context in Paul’s Argument

In Romans 4, Paul is explaining that righteousness comes by faith, not by works of the Law. He uses Abraham as the prime example of justification by faith, quoting Genesis 15:6. This is crucial because Abraham lived before the Mosaic Law was given, proving that righteousness has always been based on faith rather than legal observance.

2. Justification by Faith

Paul emphasizes that Abraham was not justified by his works but by his trust in God’s promise. This aligns with his broader teaching in Romans that salvation is a gift of grace, received through faith in Christ rather than human effort (Ephesians 2:8-9).

3. Righteousness as a Gift

The phrase “counted to him as righteousness” (Greek: elogisthē autō eis dikaiosynēn) refers to imputed righteousness. This means that Abraham was declared righteous, not because he was sinless, but because he placed his trust in God. This principle applies to all believers: righteousness is credited to those who trust in Christ, not earned through personal merit.

4. Application for Christians

• Like Abraham, believers are justified by faith in God’s promise, which is now fulfilled in Jesus Christ.

• This verse challenges any notion of earning salvation through religious observance or good works.

• It also reassures believers that God counts them righteous when they trust in Him, even when they fall short.

Connection to the New Testament

Paul expands on this theme in Galatians 3:6-9, reinforcing that all who share Abraham’s faith are considered his spiritual descendants and are part of God’s covenant family. In James 2:23, the same verse from Genesis is used, but James emphasizes that genuine faith results in righteous action.


Romans 4:3 underscores the heart of the Gospel: faith in God, not human effort, leads to righteousness. Just as Abraham trusted in God’s promise and was counted righteous, believers today are justified through faith in Christ and His finished work on the cross.

Faith guides our obedience as well. When I felt called to the ministry I was relatively poor. I had about $500 in savings and I knew the seminary didn’t want first year students to work. I prayed about it saying to the Lord, “This was your idea so I guess you will find a way to pay for it.” He did!

What difficult tasks have you taken on by faith?

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