March 15 Hebrews 4:16



March 15 Hebrews 4:16

“Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”

This verse is a powerful encouragement for believers to approach God boldly in prayer, relying on His grace and mercy rather than their own worthiness. It follows a discussion about Jesus as our compassionate High Priest (Hebrews 4:14-15), emphasizing that because He has experienced human weakness and temptation, He can fully sympathize with our struggles.

Key Themes:

1. Bold Access to God

The phrase “draw near with confidence” suggests that through Christ, we have direct access to God without fear. Unlike the Old Testament system, where only the high priest could enter the Most Holy Place once a year, believers now have an open invitation to approach God at any time.

2. The Throne of Grace

In contrast to a throne of judgment, this is a throne of grace, where God dispenses mercy rather than condemnation. It reflects God’s desire to help rather than punish those who seek Him.

3. Mercy and Grace in Time of Need

The verse highlights two divine gifts:

• Mercy – Not receiving the punishment we deserve.

• Grace – Receiving unearned blessings and strength from God.

Both are available to sustain believers in trials, weaknesses, and moments of need.


• This verse encourages persistent, confident prayer, knowing that God welcomes us with love.

• It reassures us that God’s grace is sufficient in every trial.

• It highlights Christ’s role as our mediator, allowing us to come before God without fear.

This passage ultimately calls believers to rely fully on Christ’s work rather than their own efforts, trusting in the abundant grace available to them.

 I grew up and still struggle with the image, “When will the next shoe drop!” so I need verses like this to remind me that the reality has been much better. I have lived and prospered through a multitude of shoes dropping. If more Fall on  my head the Lord will provide and bless me as “All things work together for good!”

How to you cope “in time of need?”

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