A Circle’s Complete

A Circle’s Complete

Life goes on day by day
The clock marks time the usual way
The calendar tears from page by page
The circular file it tells our age

As on we go from year to year
‘Till someday comes we feel the fear
That what’s before is likely less
Than left behind and who can guess

If three score and ten will be our lot
Or two and less will find the plot
In the family share of the shaded tree
Where we visit Dad on bended knee

Life goes round in timeless time
Events and days begin to rhyme
As seasons come and flowers grow
A season fades then comes the snow

What’s new is old, the old is new
The slave is free our troubles few
Back in the day we shared our sorrow
Today we’re glad who knows tomorrow

It matters not how young or old
A tear or smile a story told
We just might find that in the end
It’s time to turn, and turn again

And though we thought our path was straight
Sometimes it seems a figure eight
You may not know when things repeat
It just could be circle’s complete.

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