Anticipating the Eclipse

This morning we are Anticipating the Eclipse. The 4 minutes and 2 seconds of totality will be just after 4 PM Central standard time here in Calico Rock, Arkansas.  Bought the T-shirts already to celebrate the event. Attended a small Presbyterian church yesterday. The pastor’s sermon focused on the hype and conspiracy theories and the though of some that this would be the beginning of the apocalypse.

He noted a few Biblical passages that could reference an eclipse. 

Matthew 24:29 “Immediately after the distress of those days

“ ‘the sun will be darkened,

and the moon will not give its light;

the stars will fall from the sky,

and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’

He correctly pointed to the fact that there have already been hundreds or even thousands of these events throughout history.

So it’s no more likely that the end of the world is any more likely than yesterday.

He also reminded us of what Jesus said about the coming of the apocalypse. 

 Matthew 24 36 “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son,[a] but only the Father.

That being said, an eclipse is a very distinguished and exciting phenomenon. Although occurring somewhere much of the time it only occurs rarely were we might experience it.

Thus the hype across the US and here in little Calico Rock, Arkansas is palpable. At the very least it is a cause for wonder at the beauty and complexity of the world

On the other hand we might consider many other everyday miracles of life surrounding us. For example I am amazed at a bounty of wild flowers gracing a clearing that was only created last summer. Also we were pleased to witness several species of wild animals this week: a deer, 3 turkeys and a bald eagle.

How much more we might contemplate our own fragile lives complete with beating heart and a conscious mind. Not to mention the words on a page and the wisdom held for us in the Bible.

Meanwhile we have been spending our time building and planting a large garden made of several raised beds. The bounty of which depends partly on our knowledge, skill, and hard work. Yet impossible with out the miracles of the life forces provided by God. We plant, water, weed as necessary and leave the rest to the Creator of life!

Thus I pray that you who can witness the eclipse and you who see God’s miracles everywhere may enjoy the wonders surrounding your every waking moment.


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