Are You Ready?

Are You Ready?

The news reports a solar flare
Occurred while we were unaware
So big that if it hit us square
All high tech gear beyond repair
This time it missed us by a hai
But be ye warned, take time, prepare
For next time bulls eye solar flare

And this is only one event
That to our way of life is sent
A crippling we may not prevent
A critical development
Disease, finance, or terror meant
To change, destroy, be not content
Nor still ignore developments

And so we take some effort, plan
Prepare our lives do what we can
So if and when the sun or man
Disrupts, erupts, or fires fan
We will indeed be better than
If now we fail to understand
The possibilities at hand

While some may think these words extreme
Just hear tsunami victims scream
Or watch tornados kill a dream
Or other news upon your screen
And think of what this all might mean
If just one ill did crash, careen
As something no one had foreseen 

It’s not my aim to take away
Serenity nor peace nor play
It is the best to live each day
As though our last and be OK
To put our trust in God and say
Thy will be done on earth today
And yet prepare without delay

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