Back Surgery

People always told me to avoid back surgery. I have had a stiff back for many years. Best I can remember at least a dozen. It usually was felt after sitting for a long time I’d stand up and be stiff until I took a few steps. Recently the problem amplified, to put it mildly.  About five years ago after my first knee surgery a group of men from out church built me a ramp for the house. It was great to have . However, for a variety of reasons it was slowly deteriorating. I had replaced boards on several occasions. However, it now needed a more complete rebuild. My wife and I spent most of a Saturday removing all but some of the skeletal framework.  The following morning I awoke feeling very stiff; so much so I was about to lie on the  floor to stretch, as my wife often encourages. Then our new German Shepherd puppy came running to me. I made the mistake of bending over and picking him up. At the time he was probably about 25 to 30 pounds. Wham! I was in so much pain! It was enough pain that I could barely walk and was soon off to the ER.  X-rays, a shot, and a prescription later we were back home and I had no relief. Next day was able to see my Doctor. After another shot, more prescriptions, and a schedule for an MRI went home to wait a week for the MRI. I managed to get around the house on crutches.  During this period I was able to sit in four places without pain: my recliner, the truck, the rocker on the back porch, and the toilet. I have a generally high tolerance for pain. However, when walking from one refuge to another my pain level was from 7 to 9. For the next month and a half I slept in the recliner. That next weekend was my stepson’s wedding and I was to be the celebrant. I managed by sitting on a stool. I could do that sitting on my left cheek, the side not affected. After an hour of that walking back to the truck was so painful I was sobbing with the worst pain ever! Wednesday could not come soon enough. When it did I got a ride from my good friend Ron, as Brenda had to work. However, this was a failure. Lying on the machine was so painful I bailed before they could finish. We rescheduled for different machine on the following Saturday. This was a washout too because the technicians called early to say they had to cancel because they didn’t have the doctors’s order. We rescheduled again for the next Wednesday. Brenda, nurse that she is, made sure I had plenty of pain medicine together with a script from the doctor for a relaxant. This time the MRI was successful with no pain. Then another weeks wait to see an orthopedic. Brenda knew him through her work and he got me in quicker than would have usually been. The MRI revealed much deterioration and we scheduled surgery preceded with a nerve conduction study. The  the doctor wanted a nerve conduction study before he did surgery. This involved traveling 2 hours away to a specialist. My step son drove and I did my best to be comfortable. Lot’s of needles and mild shocks later we returned home. Meanwhile, as if this wasn’t enough tragedy we fell pray to a Phishing hack. The crooks managed to get on to Brenda’s computer before we caught on. To make that long story short, we had to close all our bank accounts and cards, get new ones and reset all our many direct deposit payments! Fast forward, the surgery was very successful although it took three hours instead of one. The doctor said my disk had “exploded.” The extra time was necessary to pick out all the pieces. It has now been almost two weeks and I have needed very little post operative pain meds. I continue to recover with Physical therapy. 6 weeks of bed ( read that recliner) rest weakens one all over. I am writing this on the porch of our new house in Arkansas on Thanksgiving with many reasons to be thankful: For family, friends, doctors, and many of your prayers!


  There is a poem too! Click the picture!

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