

Years ago my wife and I would go to friends house every week. If memory serves me it was Thursday nights. The draw was to share an evening watching Cheers and eating popcorn. There was a sense of belonging, like the characters who went to a place where “everybody knows your name.” we got close enough that we had T-Shirts that said “Nutty Buddies”. 

Most of us have had this feeling to some degree. We belong to our family. Growing up we belong to our school. Some continue that belonging as members of the Alumni. Often sports or hobbies will draw us into groups where we belong. I have a friend for whom her Bridge group is most important. My son is an Eagles fan. Another friend is just now going for a month to watch his favorite baseball team at Spring Training. 

Unfortunately, sometimes we don’t feel like we belong. Families have their “Black Sheep”. School groups have their scapegoats. Sometimes our groups themselves change so that we no longer feel like we belong. We might feel “they left me; I didn’t leave them.”

Yes, this even happens in churches. It can happen in a variety of ways for a variety of reasons. Often the problem is change. Of course, in reality, change is happening all the time.  Perhaps the isu a new pastor. Perhaps the problem is not the local church but a shift in the theology of the larger church body. 

Alternatively, sometimes we move either physically or emotionally, or theologically. Searching for a new church home can be difficult. Yet, most folks finally choose when the new place, “feels like home.” it’s that sense of belonging.

However, separately from all we have discussed is the issue of belonging in Christ. Once we have become a Christian we know we belong in Him and He belongs in us. I am not saying we should consider ourselves seperate from a fellowship.  Jesus is present where 2 or 3 are gathered in His Name. On occasion I will meet some in public who is eager to talk about their faith. Yet, when I ask where they go to church they say the don’t. I suppose there is at least some belonging in their desire to connect with other Christians out in the world. However, this is far from a good on going con section with Christian Community.

The reason I chose this topic today is connected to my on decision to switch denominations. I’ll not dwell on why I left one. Sufficient to say, after many years feeling on the fringe it was time to leave. I am now a Priest in the International Communion of the Charismatic Episcopal Church. On the morning I was received the praise band was playing a song with the words, “where I belong”. I shed a tear of gratitude as everyone has been very welcoming. 

If you are feeling like an outsider at your present church, perhaps it is time for a change. Don’t be in a rush, it took me decades to decide.  On the other hand if it is time, it may indeed be the right time. Discuss it with your significant other and friends, and pray. I hope this post has been helpful and encouraging. 

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