Blessed are those who are persecuted



Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

 The Blessing

The first thing to realize about this Beatitude is the blessing: the Kingdom of heaven.


It is the same as the first. This time the Kingdom is more fully present. However, let us have humility, as we noted earlier to realize that we may need to address each of the Beatitudes more than once or even continually. As in Recovery there is a Step for continually practicing all the Steps in all our affairs.


Thankfully, I have yet to experience this Beatitude directly. However, the persecution of Christians has continued throughout the centuries; somewhere and sometimes though not everywhere, or always. In recent years it seems to be more evident. The church is persecuted in Communist China and in places where Islamic fundamentalist rule. As I write Christians in Finland, of all places, are on public trial for reading the Bible in public!

Doing the right thing costs

Yet, we must realize standing up for justice and love for all and for each is a costly business. It is true on a small scale as well as a large one. For example, not long ago our 14-year-old grandson got in trouble for being in a fight at school. When we learned the details in the principles’ office, we were proud and not angry with him. My wife said to him, “We understand you have zero tolerance for this kind of behavior. He must accept the punishment. However, we will not add to the punishment because he was standing up to a bully for a friend.”  It wasn’t what you might call a non-violent protest. Yet it was an admirable deed.


Historically we have seen the blessings that come from non-violence. Grandi turned the tide against the oppressive British government in India. Martin Luther King Jr. led the United States to put down Jim Crow and diminish racism. Both paid the ultimate price. As I write, Canadian truckers have been jailed and the bank accounts frozen. This very day American truckers are driving to DC to peacefully protest oppressive government policies. It remains to be seen what price they will pay.

Don’t volunteer

The church fathers are known to have exhorted the faithful during times of persecution. Do not volunteer to be martyred. You will not fare well. Yet if you have no choice the Lord will provide the faith and strength you need. Then when we look up at the cross, we can see clearly that we have a share in The Kingdom. Let us not worry or be fearful. Yet let us not believe it couldn’t happen here.

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Questions for reflection and/or discussion


  1. Have you ever suffered persecution for doing the right thing?
  2. Are there any martyrs, famous or otherwise, that you admire?
  3. What current events or situations call to us for righteous protest?
  4. Is God calling you to participate in some way, great or small?
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