Buyer or Seller Beware

This poem is called Buyer or Seller Beware. I hope you have not fallen prey. Just enjoy the poem.

He had me in his sights to steal
Through cunning made it seem so real
With fake emails with PayPal’s seal
He teased to make me such a deal

If only I would pay him now
A greater sum he’d send some how
And I would soon be taking bows
Not knowing I’m the fatted cow

Thank God I smelled the rat he is
To good to be so easy biz
There’s no free lunch my Daddy says
I’ll keep my cash and be a wiz

Oh list of Craig on you I sell
But careful to screen buyers well
And sellers too not always swell
Yet found some deals I’m glad to tell

So sell or buy and yet beware
The wolves are prowling and will dare
To steal your goods without a care
Or take your cash and leave 

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