Change is normal

Change is normal as Adam said to Eve, “Don’t worry dear, we are just going through a period of transition .”

This most likely a trite observation
Yet one deserving slight meditation
That times arrive when “normal” is gone
And for all but the stubborn there is a new dawn

Imagine invention of the wheel
The warmth of a fire or plowing a field
Consider the coming of iron or steel
The taming of wind or the grinding of meal

What was it like to discover the truth
To leave behind caves and build your own roof
Who could imagine the taming of beast
The way to make bread by using some yeast

How different the world has changed in the past
With machines that tame steam then powered with gas
The last hundred years exploded the small
With weapons and power that frighten us all

First analog now computers evolve
From building size to miniature our problems they solve
The telegraph and telephone cut up the land
Til towers replaced them on hilltops they stand

How could we leave out changes from science
Like antibiotics vaccines and robotics
Birth control pills viagra Cialis
Antacids and aspirin face lifts digitalis 

So now like the plague the pandemic brought changes
And normal again with our lives rearranges
Remember adapting with change is our power
And we’ll stumble forward in spite of this hour


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