Christian  Healing

Christian Healing


This post is about Christian Healing. Until recently those of us living in the Western World or Europe and North America had only one major view of illness and the process of healing. If you have more than the common cold or the need for simple first aid you head for the Doctor’s office or the Emergency Room. There you hope to find a pill, procedure, or the latest in modern scientific imagery, and return home quickly on the mend. If the problem is really serious there is always surgery. If we can’t fix it let’s cut it out.

In the last few decades Alternative Medicine has made some inroads and a more holistic approach has become common. Meditation, Stress management, homeopathic remedies, acupuncture, and the like have become popular. Some doctors and hospitals even include opportunities for healing prayer.

Meanwhile the Christian approach to healing has had a wide spectrum of theology and practice.  On the one hand are Dispensationalist. Some Christians believe the healing stories we read in the Bible were a dispensation by God to suspend natural law. Miraculous healing was allowed as a jump start bonus for the beginning of the Church.  One more or less Roman Catholic view has been that illness is an opportunity for the believer to share in the redemptive suffering of Christ. When you hold such a view it seems pointless or even faithless to pray for healing.  Those who hold these positions often point to Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane as he prayed “not my will but Thine be done.”  It’s rather hard to be convinced God might heal you if you think it is his will for you to be sick.

On the other extreme position are the flamboyant faith healers. They are quick to blame the Devil for all disease and lean heavily on exorcism for a cure. In addition, is the belief that much if not all illness is the result of sin. Therefore, there is heavy pressure for the sick to repent and confess as a prerequisite for healing.

However, many Christians believe God wants us to be well. Jesus prayer in the Garden was about going to the cross and not about illness. Jesus taught us God is a loving Dad who wants good gifts for his children. The Epistle of James urges Christians to seek the elders of the church for prayer when they are ill. In the Gospel of John Jesus tells the disciples they will do even greater things than he has done.

The ministry of healing is as complex as secular medicine. It is an art and not a simplistic one approach for every situation. Sometimes repentance and confession is needed. Sometimes we may need to come against Satan and his minions. Sometimes, the person may need to make a lifestyle change. Always faith is important. However, it might be the faith of those praying more than the faith of those who are sick. Sometimes God heals quickly. Sometimes persistent soaking prayer over years may be necessary.

Also healing is not just a thing for our bodies. Prayer can help heal emotions, relationships, even groups and churches. Finally as believers in the eternal healing of everlasting life Christians also look to death as just one more step towards the ultimate healing we all await.

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