Christians Can Have Fun

Christians Can Have Fun

There are some people who have a lot of rules.  It can feel very restrictive.  It can ruin our sense of fun and play.  Jesus was not one of those people.  He had a great sense of humor and he liked to party.  The very first miracle we read about is when he changed water into wine. It was at a wedding reception.

In Palestine then and Israel now weddings were a big deal. They were an excuse for the whole village to party not for hours, but for days.  If you are not familiar with the story these are the basics.

Jesus and his disciples go to a wedding in the local village of Cana. It is a small place overlooking the sea of Galilee. In time the wine runs out, but the party is not over. Jesus’ mother Mary comes to him, like a good Jewish mother and says, “So son, what are you going to do about this?”

He replies, “Mom, don’t make a fuss. This isn’t the time or place for me to make a spectacle. It’s about the bride and groom not me.”

Mary doesn’t take “No” for an answer. She calls the wedding planner to over and says, “Listen to my son and do what he tells you.”

Back among the food and the household supplies are some really big clay jars. “Fill these with water,” Jesus says, “and take some to the host.”

When the liquid is poured out it is no longer water. It has turned into high quality wine. The guests are pleased and say, “This is the best wine we’ve ever had. Around here when everyone is a bit drunk, the usual custom is to bring out the cheep wine. But you saved the best for last!”

Jesus had a great sense of humor. His parables are outrageously funny stories that make their point in part through humor. Can’t you see the humor in “Easier for a Camel to go through the eye of a needle?”

Some of Jesus’ followers are also known for having a good time. A story is told of Martin Luther, the father of the Protestant Reformation. He was known to enjoy a good dinner party and often had guest to share in the fun. On one occasion the contemporary version of a reporter asked him how he managed to spread the reformation so quickly. Luther replied, “The Holy Spirit did it all, I just sat here and drank beer.”

Now I am not advocating drunkenness, nor suggesting that Christianity endorses inebriation.  These two stories just make the point that Jesus and a famous Christian knew how to have fun.

In the past decade or so there have also been some hilariously amusing Christian comics.  Mark Lowery became well known traveling with Bill Gaither.  Mike Warnke is another. He is a former Satanic High Priest. Now how funny is that? I could tell you Christian jokes for a half and hour and just scratch the surface of my repertoire.

Did you hear about the Lord out playing golf with Moses? He keeps trying to tee of with an iron. Moses keeps telling him it can’t be done. The Lord keeps replying, “If Tiger can do it so can I.”

After making Moses part the water in the trap three times, the Lord, himself, goes to retrieve his ball. As he is walking on the water looking, the next foursome arrives at the tee. Seeing the Lord they turn to Moses saying, “Who does that guy think he is, Jesus Christ?”

“No,” replies Moses, “He thinks he’s Tiger Woods.”

If you don’t think Christians have fun, take a look at all the Christian professional athletes.  I guarantee you they enjoy what they do and their Christian fans enjoy watching.

So if you are stuck in a church that only knows how to frown, or you stay away from church because it’s boring, think again. Look again. Go find some Christians who know how to have fun and the joy of the Lord will be your strength.

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