Common Wisdom

These are not just wisdom sayings that I have heard or learned. They are the wisdom that I might say that came to me in 74 years of life. If there is anything original here I will be surprised.

Jordan Peterson, one of the wisest men these days reminds us that the Oracle at Delphi said Socrates was the wisest because he had said that he knew that he knew nothing  

The first thing that comes to mind was one of my fathers favorites. Son he would often say there is no free lunch.

My mother was full of old English pieces of wisdom. Things like a stitch in time saves nine. Don’t be foolish and carry coals to Newcastle.

Other things I’ve learned are probably cross cultural. Don’t put off till tomorrow what you could do today.

A corollary to that I suppose there’s one I heard from a scoutmasters minute a Boy Scout camp. The issue at hand was too much trash on the camp trails and he shared this advice to encourage us when we see something that needs doing. We should ask these questions. If not me who? If not now when?

Following my mind where it will I’m thinking of Pastor Jeff Prozzo with whom I worked in Rochester New York the Lutheran Church. These things stick in my memory about Jeff. In those days when using a credit card you had to sign a paper copy. He always signed John Hancock. No one ever noticed. Also he always had a resignation letter in his pocket.

My brother in law told me not to drop my pants for just any one.

 Mt late wife Lily said it takes so little to make someone’s day so do it. Also , the worse you feel the better you dress

Your arms are too short to box with God.  Israel means he who contends with God.

You get a whole lot done while avoiding something you should do

Stress negatively effects short term memory

There is wisdom in humor

The difference between a specialist and a generalist is that the one, knows more and more about less and less until he knows absolutely everything about nothing. The other one knows  less and less about more and about more until he know absolutely nothing about everything .

The journey is everything the goal is the beginning of the next journey 

Patience is a virtue you only exercise when you need it. Pray for a solution

God is never in a hurry but always on time

Life happens while you are making other plans.     Mother Theresa’s do it anyways

What annoys you in others is in you

Forgiveness let’s the other rent space in your head (and. Albert you soul) for free

Life is an end run 

Light may be better under the lamppost but the treasure is in the dark

This too shall pass

Beware of priest and politicians who seem too good to be true

Don’t smash the cake in your spouses face

Listen listen love love

The truth will out eventually


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