Complete Conversion


The name of this post, Complete Conversion Part 1: Understanding the Chart, let’s you know there is much more to come! This chart represents Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength love across the top combined with the four conversions we need ( to Jesus, The Church, The Spirit, and Mission) down the left side. The intersections of these concepts produce 16 different areas within the life of a Christian. Moreover, as you will come to see, as the site is developed, each of these intersections, or areas within the chart, are likewise divided into 4 sub parts. Each explains how the 4 functions of Personality Type theory are likely to approach the subject of that particular area. 

Take a Closer Look

The first line of the chart signifies our conversion to Jesus. Our Heart conversion is the topic of salvation. As we explore this section. You will find 16 different views of salvation, 4 for each of the functions of Feeling, Intuition, Sensing, and Thinking.

The next section of the first line is the conversion of the Soul to Jesus. Here the Christians must be converted not only with positive feelings of the heart but with a commitment to follow him as Lord from the depths of the soul. 

The conversion of the mind comes in the next box of the chart. It is labeled Gospel. Each of the four Gospels is especially attractive to one of the four functions. When we are converted to Jesus it is important that our minds know him as the person, revealed in the scriptures rather than some idea we just picked up from sources other than the Bible. 

The last section of the first row labeled In Others tells us that to be fully converted to Jesus is to meet him in other people.

The rest of the chart is payed out with similar implications. When we are converted to the Church we participate in four ways: Fellowship or the Heart, Worship of the Soul, Proclamation of the message, Ministry of the Great Commission.

When we are converted to the Holy Spirit our Heart is converted to the Fruit, our Soul is converted to the 9 – fold Spiritual Gifts, our mind is converted the Bible as the Living Word of God, and our Strength is converted to the Spiritual Gifts of ministry and service.

In the last line of the chart we see how the  Christian life is incomplete without ministry. Evangelism is ministry of the Heart. Spiritual Warfare is ministry of the soul. Working for Justice is the ministry of the mind. The Social Gospel is the ministry of our Strength.

As the site grows you find pages for each of these 16 concepts. Within each page you will find information concerning how each function and Personalty Type approach the topic.

It will take some time to explore it all, as it will take some time and work to get it all written and posted. Come share the journey.


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