Conversion to Jesus 

Conversion to Jesus 

Conversion to Jesus is an integral part of a full conversion of our lives to God. There are four categories: Savior, Lord, Gospel,Others. We combine these with Heart, Soul,  and Strength.


This is where most of us begin. It is a matter of the heart. Unfortunately it is often were believers stall. For many this comes in a dramatic experience. As with 12 Step Recovery. We came to believe that our lives were unmanageable and God showed up! The recent example of the young singer of “Rich men north of Richmond”, Oliver Anthony. He was at the end of his rope and broken. He cried out to the Lord and began his conversion to discipleship.


However, it needs to go deeper into our soul so that we are committed to follow Jesus as Lord. So far it looks like Oliver is on the right path. He has been taking a righteous approach to his new found fame. We pray he will continue to be a good example. His humility is admirable as he has taken bold steps to keep his expectations modest.  This has been true through the centuries. There is a classic book you might like to read. The Imitation of Christ. You might also consider the popular question, What would Jesus do? When considering a course of action. 



To be converted to the full Gospel we need to read, learn, and follow the teachings of Jesus. My new book is now in the store!

In this book I explain a new perspective on the Beatitudes. How they fit together in a progression of faith with each one followed by the next.  Coming to my shop soon!

You will also find a thorough discussion of the Parables.

Of course, by all means read the four Gospels and meditate on what Jesus did and what was done to him.


The final conversation may be the most difficult. Can we see Jesus in others? 

 “Anyone who welcomes you welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. Whoever welcomes a prophet as a prophet will receive a prophet’s reward, and whoever welcomes a righteous person as a righteous person will receive a righteous person’s reward. And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.”Matt.10.40-41NIV

Perhaps the best modern example is Mother Theresa of Calcutta, who ministered to the poor, sick, and dying as caring for Jesus. 

I know that some of the incarcerated men I have met in prison definitely reflect the character of Jesus. They may never get out but their sins are forgiven and they live a righteous life on the inside

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