Conversion to Mission

Conversion to Mission is an integral part of a full conversion of our lives to God. There are four categories: Evangelism, Spiritual Warfare, Justice, and Social. To be fully converted we need to care and act in each of these areas to fulfill our commitment to Jesus.


We all are not going to be Billy Graham evangelist. However, all believers should be prepared and ready to share the Gospel. While there is training (See my post on Sharing you testimony ). It is my heartfelt believe that if the Gospel is Good News for for you no trains is required. 

Think of other things you are eager to share: the birth of a child in the family, a great movie, a good deal at the grocery store, an impressive book you just read, you get the idea! Yesterday I had lunch at a Chinese restaurant buffet that was  ew to me. The food was fresh. The place was packed. The service was good. You bet I will share this! Chances are when your faith was new you shared more. Also I am passionate about KIAROS prison ministry. Every opportunity to share I am eager to do so. Just the other day while at Ives’s hardware I struck up  a conversation with the manager. He soon shared he was an active church member. I recruited him on the spot to join us. One of the biggest thrills of KAIROS is watching incarcerated receive the Agape love of Christ!

Spiritual Warfare doesn’t mean we all have to become exorcist. However, we all do some every time we say the Lord’s Prayer: “Deliver us from evil!” Moreover, the first place to confront evil is within our own hearts. Regular confession is a place to begin. It can just be you and the Lord. I’m the Episcopal tradition we pray a general confession at most services. Sometimes a more formal confession is appropriate. Some times the best thing is what I call the three important sentences. “I was wrong. I’m sorry. Please forgive me.”

The world is full of injustices. For those of us alive for 50 or so years can remember the struggle for civil liberties for all in the 1960s. The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Lead the struggle for Justice. Many Christians joined the movement. Only a few will be such leaders. However, we all can do some small part when we recognize the Justice has been failed. 

Social Gospel has a bad reputation is some parts of the faith. It can be seen as a substitute for Sharing the Gospel. However, Jesus made it clear that we should care for the lost, the lame, the poor, and the ill. “If you even give a cup of cold water to one of these, you have give it to me!” Many hospitals began as Social Gospel outreaches. He also said we should visit prisoners. In KAIROS we recognize the power of just showing up that tells prisoners we care!

The truth is that all four of these missions: Evangelism, Spiritual Warfare, Justice , and Social; are intertwined. We need to be mindful of each, and all.

Why Prison Ministry


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