December 15 Romans 3:28

December 15 Romans 3:28

For we maintain that a person is justified by faith apart from the works of the law.


Early in my first marriage my wife and I would get into small arguments about which of us was at fault over some more of less trivial thing. At heart neither of us wanted to be responsible. The truth was first of all we both were most likely part of the problem. It was so much better when we learned to stop and approach the issue as a problem for us to solve together. We needed to have faith in our mutual love and acceptance to accept our inability to be perfect. 

The is after all no way to achieve perfect maturity. Of course sometime o e of us might have been more at fault. Yet there was usually no need or effectiveness in either of us being right. Once each could own our part of the problem Grace would help us move forward.

Just so when we know we don’t ever earn God’s love we can relax into better behavior when we recognize God’s love in our lives. We can in essence pay it (Grace) forward to others.

How well do you k ow and experience God’s love and Grace? And share it!


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