December 16 Philippians 4:6 

December 16 Philippians 4:6 

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.


I have to admit this is easier said than done. The constant bombardment of political news and messages of the last year was oppressive. As I write I think of the people in Nrpew Jersey who are being threatened with nightly overflights of drones with no one able or willing to tell them what is going on. Meanwhile others are suggesting we are close to WWIII. It is definitely an anxious time in our world. 

In such times we can regain some peace through Paul’s advice. An attitude of gratitude is a good place to begin. Our blessings are many. Then we have the power of prayer. Our prayers can help. We can pray for our leaders. We can pray for wisdom, etc.

We can focus on the positive things we need to do today. We can remember the Grace of God is enough for each day, hour, or minute.

What is making you anxious today and how is God helping?

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