Department of Redundancy Department

Welcome to the Department of Redundancy Department
Can we say it one more time to make perfectly clear
Did you get it on the first or maybe by the second
And if not I’d say it over once again my dear

Just enter in your name and account number if you please
Twill make it easier to help when we answer yes indeed
But when a real live person finally picks up on the line
The first thing that they want to hear is the same thing one more time

Then there are repeated calls from computers you don’t know
Who swear you asked for help for ailments head to toe
And when you realize a person isn’t there
You insult the poor computer voice as though it really cared

And don’t forget the offer that comes in once a week
Your warranty will soon expire and you might have to seek
A way to save expenses we can help you yes we will
It’s all that you can do to keep from hunting them to kill

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