Dreams Can Come True

Dreams can come true
Happened to me and can for you
Keep aiming high beyond the skY
Realize your dreams before you die

Maybe your dream of a loving wife
A family free of daily strife
Contentment in your daily chores
With meaning in an out your door

Maybe you dream to build a home
Or maybe time the world to roam
Maybe you want to entertain
Make others laugh and laugh again

Perhaps you dream to sail the sea
Or on boat gentle as can be
A fishing line a great big catch
A dashing suit and hat to match

Perhaps you dream of love for all
At least the ones with in your call
You’ll help the lame the lost and poor
Your neighbors living right next door

And when your days draw to an end
The stone that lays above you head
Will say to all who wander near
He lived a dream don’t shed a tear

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