February 23 1 John 4:14  

February 23 1 John 4:14  

we have seen and testify that the Father has sent his Son to be the Savior of the world.

This verse is a powerful affirmation of the apostolic witness to Jesus Christ. The phrase “we have seen and testify†reflects the firsthand experience of the apostles, particularly John, who was an eyewitness to Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection. It emphasizes the credibility and authority of their testimony, which is not based on speculation or secondhand reports but on direct experience.

The central truth in this verse is that the “Father has sent his Son.”This echoes John 3:16, reinforcing the doctrine of the Incarnation—God, in His love, actively intervened in human history by sending Jesus Christ. The mission of the Son is explicitly stated: “to be the Savior of the world. This phrase highlights the universal scope of salvation; Christ’s work is not limited to a single nation or group but is available to all who believe in Him.

This verse also carries an implicit call to action: those who have encountered Christ are called to bear witness to Him, just as John and the other apostles did. It encourages believers to share the Gospel, testifying to the truth that Jesus is indeed the Savior.


Recognize the apostolic testimony as a foundation for our faith.

Understand the universal offer of salvation through Jesus Christ.

Be encouraged to share the good news, as the apostles did, bearing witness to Christ’s saving work.


I was just thinking yesterday about the resurrection. If we believe God created everything. Why is it difficult to believe either that Jesus was God visiting creation or that the resurrection really happened? Then I also thought back to the first Oh God movie with George Burns. The audience had no trouble, the following the plot as he lkept showing up as different people.  

There we no movie cameras filming Jesus. Yet we have these eyewitness accounts!

What helps you believe in the Incarnation and the resurrection?

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