February 8 Matthew 1:21

February 8 Matthew 1:21

“She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”


1.The Name “Jesus”

The angel instructs Joseph to name the child Jesus (Greek: Ἰησοῦς, Iēsous), which is the Greek form of the Hebrew name Yeshua (Joshua), meaning “Yahweh saves.” This name encapsulates His mission—salvation.

2.Divine Purpose

Unlike Old Testament figures named Joshua, who were deliverers in a physical sense (e.g., Joshua led Israel into the Promised Land), Jesus’ deliverance is spiritual. His mission is not just to free Israel from Roman oppression, as many expected of the Messiah, but to free His people from their sins.

3.“His People”

Initially, this refers to Israel (Matthew 15:24), but as the Gospel unfolds, it becomes clear that His people extends to all who believe in Him (Matthew 28:19, John 10:16).

4.Salvation from Sin

The phrase “save his people from their sins” is significant because it directly addresses humanity’s core problem: sin. The expectation of many Jews at the time was a political Messiah, but this verse highlights Jesus’ greater mission—redemption and reconciliation with God.

5.Fulfillment of Prophecy

This statement aligns with Old Testament prophecies, such as Isaiah 53, which describes the Suffering Servant who bears the sins of many.

In summary, Matthew 1:21 establishes Jesus’ identity and mission: He is the Savior, not of temporary oppression but of eternal separation from God due to sin. This verse sets the theological foundation for the entire Gospel narrative.

I have always been fascinated with names. My name Geoffrey means God’s Peace. Hence the title of my webpage. I do my best to love up to my name.

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