Gratitude is a positive attitude 

Gratitude is a positive attitude 

Gratitude is a positive attitude that most simply described as facing life with a thankful frame of mind. If we can approach each day seeking the good in everyone and everything our lives will have more meaning. Of course, there will be times and experiences that challenge this attitude. However, as a general rule, gratitude frames all aspects of life in a positive direction.

Perhaps the best result of gratitude is good mental health. Negative thoughts bring forth negative emotions. Absence of thankfulness engender a sense of a victim mentality which in turn increases stress. Stress brings on all kinds of negative results, both mental and physical. If negative experiences arise an attitude of gratitude will help us manage the difficulties. There are multiple reasons for being thankful. 

Years ago I had the opportunity to worship with a small, rural, black congregation. Early in the service the pastor began with a prayer. In it he walked the congregation through everything that had happened to us all that day. He began giving thanks for everything, from walking up thankful to be alive. He progressed though our ability to rise, for our dwelling and all its features, for water, food, clothes, transportation etc. 

On another occasion I worship with another congregation at the New Years Eve service. Each member took a turn expressing their gratitude for the passing year and theirs hops for a blessed future.

 My late wife, Lily was chronically ill for many years. Many times she spent several days or even a week in the hospital.  In her last few years she would greet this episodes as positive opportunities to share her faith. She would gather up her devotional books, tape deck and favorite s of praise music. She would say, “I wonder who I will be able to share with this time!”

Most of us can be thankful for the people in our lives: our families and friends, our coworkers. The police and first responders who protect us and the leaders in our communities who put their lives forward to help us, all are worthy of our gratitude.   “Thank you for your service.” Is a welcome expression of gratitude. 

Our attitudes don’t just happen. They take discipline. A morning time for prayer and or meditation can be very helpful. Mindfulness during the day is also a good practice. Train yourself to notice beauty.  Make a point a point of complementing people who pass through your day. Take on challenging tasks and everyday chores finding one or more reasons to be thankful: yes even washing dishes and making your bed. In the midst of personal, business, and cultural politics find reasons to be grateful. 

 Gratitude is a pathway to a fulfilling life. It will bring us joy and meaning. Plus it really changes the world as a pebble ripples across a pond. The benefit is inward and outward!

My mother was full of old tried and true sayings. One of her favorites was “An ill wind blows no good.”  Sometimes when I am tempted to remember hurt, past wrongs and missed opportunities I think instead, “They brought me to this good place in my life.”  I write this on the porch of our wonderful house on 22 acres in  Arkansas. I often tell myself “We bought our own State Park!”

In closing I am grateful for you have taken the time to read this post and consider its message!


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