How does someone become a Christian?

How does someone become a Christian?

From the beginning

The question is as old as the church. On the Day of Pentecost, the day Christians mark as the birthday of the Church, Peter gave the first Christian sermon. People in the gathered crowd asked, “What then shall we do?”

Peter responded, “Repent and be baptized, in the Name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Acts 2:38.

It is worthy to note that whole households were converted and baptized at once. One could debate the sincerity of the conversion of children and household slaves.  However, Baptism in the Name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit has been the normative mark of being a Christian for most of the churches history.

Early Church

We might extend the question to ask, “How does someone get baptized?”  In the centuries during periods of persecution the church was more thorough in its intitation process. It could take upwards of three years as a catechumen before someone was invited to be baptized.  Those in training could participate in the first part of the worship service. However, before the passing of the peace and communion these catechumens had to leave.

Over time and in places where it has not been so dangerous to be a Christian; where it is has been expected that everyone should be, the rules became less strict. Infant baptism became normative and many people became Christians who might not really know what it meant.  Therefore various “rites of passage” into adult faith developed. Many denominations have some form of Confirmation. This is an opportunity for teens or converts to make an adult profession of their faith.

Various Traditions

Other Christian traditions, beginning in the Protestant Reformation, rejected infant Baptism and/or anything less than baptism by total immersion. They require some form of profession of faith that is sometimes known as “the sinners prayer.” They may even feel this is sufficient to be known as a Christian even without Baptism.

Jesus told us in the Bible that he would be present where two or more are gathered in His name.  You can not be a Christian by yourself. To become a Christian today one needs to be connected to some church.  The rules or traditions, initiation process, or whatever you want to call it will vary from denomination to denomination. The Non-denominational church will be no different. It will have its own ways and means. You may get connected to the Roman Catholic Church with millions of members around the world and an uninterrupted history from day one. You could join an independent house church with just a very few members that was organized yesterday.  Which ever you choose, sooner or later baptism will be a part of full membership.


Oh, and there is that other requirement Peter mentioned, repentance. More organized faiths will have a set form for the baptismal event. It customarily included some form of confession, renunciation and profession of faith.  Confession may be the “sinners prayer.” It may be a “general” confession of those things done and left undone in thought, word, and deed against God and neighbor. Renunciation usually includes the big three: the world, the flesh, and the devil. Profession of faith is at minimum a declaration to recognize Jesus as Savior and Lord.  In some traditions it will include an affirmation of The Apostles Creed. This is an ancient text drawn from the Bible. It affirms, among other things, the Trinity (God as three in one: Father, Son and Holy Spirit), the “Mystery of Faith” (Jesus died, risen, and coming again) and the gift of God, the Holy Spirit to guide, inspire, and empower us for ministry.


Becoming a Christian is not a step to be taken lightly. Many are “cradle” Christians, born into families who go to church. Today many have had no participation in Christian faith and have only heard negative reports of hypocrisy and the like.  As a serious believer I encourage you the reader to look into Christianity with an open mind and an open heart. Seek out someone you respect who is an active Christian. Get a Bible and read the New Testament for yourself. Take time to be quiet and let God himself speak to you. I trust that an honest and sincere seeker after spiritual truth will not be disappointed.

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