How to live pleasing to God

How to live pleasing to God

Chariots of Fire

The 1981 Movie, Chariots of Fire, tells the story of the 1924 Olympic runner and Christian Missionary Eric Liddell.  There are two things in this true story that might guide the rest of us in our desire to live a life pleasing to God.

One climatic issue of Eric’s story revolves around the observance of Sunday as a day of rest. Eric’s signature event is scheduled to be run on Sunday. He chooses not to run. This causes many people great distress as he is so good everyone knows that if he did run he would win. Much pressure is brought to bear upon him from colleagues, coaches, clergy, and politicians. However, he remains adamant. The issue is solved by entering him as the anchor for a relay race to be run the following day.

Another concept is highlighted when Eric is questioned by a reporter. “What does God thinks of all this running?” Eric replies, “When I run it gives him pleasure.”

These two ideas stand out from this devout man of God. It pleases God when we are obedient to his commands. It pleases God when we do the things he has gifted us to do.


I am not advocating for a strict return to the observance of Sunday as a day to refrain from work. Although, it pleases me to see places like Chic Fil-A closed on Sundays. Some people have to work on Sundays. Frankly, I want the Emergency Room open and Doctors on call should I need a surgeon.  However, there is wisdom in keeping a day set apart for rest and for God.  If you have to work on Sunday then seek to follow the spirit of the Sabbath commandment on another day.

I do believe it pleases God when we do our best to follow the two Great Commandments: Love the Lord your God with all you heart, soul, mind, and strength; and love your neighbor as yourself.  Further, as Christians we please God as we seek to follow the teachings of Jesus who said, “Love one another as I have loved you.”

Pleasing God

The other way of pleasing God demonstrated in the life of Eric Liddell is to use to our fullest the capabilities, the gifts and talents, with which we have been blessed. For Eric it was the athletic ability to run fast. We are not all going to be Olympic Gold medalist. However, we each have a calling, a purpose, and the abilities we need to accomplish them.

An Example

I was born with a good voice and good pitch. Over the years I have had multiple opportunities to train my voice. One high point was to be selected to participate in the All State Choir in Buffalo New York in my senior year of high school. To this day when singing in church some one will approach me afterwards with a compliment. From time to time I have been asked sing at weddings and funerals. On one occasion I was singing Ave Maria for a wedding.  It was in my opinion the best time I have ever performed. I was relaxed, with no issues that singers get. Thinking of Liddle I thought God was pleased.

Perhaps yours talent is teaching, or auto mechanics, politics, or preaching. To please God we apply ourselves to do the best we can; to study; to train and practice; to take advantage of continuing education; to be the person God created us to be. This brings pleasure to God.

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