How to Pray for Healing

We are often confronted with a need and desire and yet not sure How to Pray for Healing. We will here discuss several categories and methods.

How to Pray for Healing

1 Small injuries

2 Common maladies 

3 Illness

4 Serious injuries 

5 Hospitalization

6 Chronic Conditions

7 Miraculous Need

8 Emotional distress 

9 Relationships

10 Addiction

To begin, I can think of no time or reason not to pray for healing! There is no situation too big or too small for the healing power of The Holy Spirit released in prayer.

1 Small injuries: in this category are the everyday events we often overlook when it comes to prayer. Think of slight bruises, mosquito or other insect bites, a scraped knee or a minor burn. There is no reason to skip first aid or home remedies or over the counter medicine. However, prayer has a place. 

In many instances laying on of hands is a good start. Be gentle, a slight connection is best. 

Remember when your mother “kissed it better!”  The spoken prayer may begin with any person of the Trinity as in, Loving Father, Lord Jesus, Gracious Holy Spirit.” Then something like: “Send you healing power upon …….that he/she will recover quickly from this…” A thanksgiving is a good addition as in “ we gave thanks that this was not serious and will heal quickly. An “Amen” and perhaps a hug make a good close.

2 Common Maladies: this category includes things like the common cold, a mild headache, a sore throat or a bigger bruise, athletes foot, head lice, a larger wound or cut that might need a stitch etc. 

Again common remedies and maybe a trip to Quick Care is in order. Laying on of hands is almost always appropriate. The spoken prayer will be the same as above. Perhaps an emphasis upon enhancing the effectiveness of treatment would be a good addition. Plus if a Doctor, Nurse or technician is involved a prayer of gratitude as well for their wisdom and skill

Is appropriate.

3 Illness: Things are increasing in seriousness. We would include common childhood diseases as Mumps, Measles, Colic, Chicken Pox,  as well as the Flu, COVID (non hospitalized), Migraines or sinus or ear infections etc. 

The only real difference from above is more serious condition call for repeated prayer. If the I’ll person is someone with whom you live twice or more would be best. With others, as is practical. Also, prayer at a distance is also appropriate and effective. 

4 Serious injuries: another part of prayer is helpful for broken bones and other debilitating injures. This was especially taught by Agnes Sanford. She recommended that we say words that focus on the results of healing. For example, in addition to the above, something “In Jesus name I see you healed and doing (insert favorite activity – dancing, some sport, enjoying gardening etc.)” 

Addition prayers may also be appreciated by care givers. Thanksgiving and prayers for added strength for added responsibilities.

5 Hospitalization: This might be a more serious illness or injury, or for surgery, observation, infection control via IV or maybe the happy occasion of a birth. In addition to praying for the patient I usually stress a prayer for any medication or treatment. May they be effective, do what they are designed to do and that the patient be protected from any negative side affects. 

6  Chronic Conditions: These may be relatively mild to severe. For example from seasonal allergies, to Parkinson’s. We will focus on the severe, although some allergies are indeed severe  as in needing an Epi-pen in case of a bee sting! 

For severe Chronic Cases Francis McNutt recommended “Soaking Prayer.” This is regular and long lasting as in minutes or even hours of Laying on of Hands. He even did studies without h severe arthritis patients with significant statistical results! 

It is also helpful to recruit as large a group as possible to pray regularly. Lily, my late wife was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy, Scleroderma, Cluster Migraines, and Reynards early in our marriage. The first prognosis was for only Three years. She lived for 29! Part of that success game from a large group of people we called our “Love Links!” We asked people to send a token heart of some kind that we placed on a poster with a clock in the middle. We put them around the clock at the daily time each was praying for her. 

7 Miraculous Need. These are situations with essentially no hope offered by the Medical Profession. With as positive a mind set as possible with as many people as possible as long as life persists pray.

Pray with authority and confidence though loud a voice is not needed. 

Do not pray If Thy Will Be Done!!!  Jesus was not praying about healing in the garden. Assume healing is His will?

If the miraculous doesn’t occur give thanks and celebrate their life !

8 Emotional distress: This could be for a variety of reasons. Unless you are a licensed therapist avoid trying to council. Laying on hands may not be appropriate. However, holding hands is usually well received. Prayers for peace and comfort are most likely the best. Often o words at all may be even better. Pray for the presence of the Holy Spirit. 

9 Relationships: more often than not when asked to pray for a relationship only one of the persons involved is present. Avoid counseling. Pray for understanding and forgiveness if appropriate. Pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Often a “Let go and let God” is a good approach.

10 Addiction. I haven’t suggested written prayers so far. Certainly the Lord’s Prayer is often a good addition. When It comes to there is probably no better prayer than the Serenity Prayer.

God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world

As it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
If I surrender to His Will;
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life

And supremely happy with Him
Forever and ever in the next.

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