How to Share Your Testimony

Christians often as How to Share Your Testimony.My first, go to answer is usually to say, “You don’t have to. If it’s Good News try and stop them!”  You must have met a few Christians who have been dramatically “saved” from some terrible condition in life. I’m being serious? They have been delivered from Alcohol or Drugs. They have been rescued from sex slavery. They have been miraculously healed. These people have no difficulty sharing their testimonies.
I sometimes use the example of the latest movie. “Did you see Top Gun?” Another good example is when your team wins! Another favorite of mine is a good deal at the grocery store, especially in times like these when  inflation is high.

However, not all of us have these dramatic life changing events. None the less we too have testimonies to share. For this reason I developed the following pamphlet to help. Credit is due to Lee Buck, Mr. Evangelism in the Episcopal Church for teaching g this to me.



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