How to understand people part 10 Levels of awareness continued

How to understand people part 10 Levels of awareness continued


If you haven’t read the preceding parts of this discussion I encourage you to go back to where you left off, even to part one if necessary.

However here is a quick refresher from the slides of part 9.

We will now look at each sublevel in more detail.  I have numbered the levels 1-4 to indicate an increase in the level of unconsciousness.  Lowen names these levels as WORK PLAY CHALLENGE CREATIVITY.  You will

involved. We shall see how Lowen defines each sublevel.


WORK, as Lowen names level One, is the most conscious of all the activities. He so names it because these are the activities that would serve us best in employment. When  we are competent we are consciously aware of the effort involved in the work. Moreover we are aware of the process needed to accomplish the tasks involved and clear about the evidence that we have been successful. Because we are so aware we can evaluate our performance and likewise receive criticism. We are able to explain what we have been doing. In short, we can do a the tasks with competence.

My most conscious WORK transaction as an ENFJ is called Verbalist. When I preach, I use a few notes and preach extemporaneously rather than read from a text.


Talent at this level is however, unconscious. We describe it as a natural skill. We don’t exactly think about what we do. We simply do the thing, accomplish the task. This happens for me when composing a song or a poem. The words just seem to come from out there somewhere.


The next layer in down in conscious awareness is called PLAY .  When we truly enjoy an activity as playful, we often lose track of time. We don’t notice getting tired. We persevere like children who must be called in from the playground before collapsing from exhaustion, When writing my dissertation using the transactional mode of Theatrician I played with the ideas for month and daily for hours barely stopping reluctantly for anything.


For me the Challenge of level 3 come in the area of bodily movement. With the possible exception of Tennis I approach exercise and sports with a decided lack of enthusiasm. When it came to tennis, I was much better when I didn’t think about what I was trying to do.


One of my hobbies is Origami. I have created a few models myself. Here is one. I hope you can tell it’s an aligator.

My least conscious

. When con fronted with a car problem I quote George Carlan, “If you see me under the hood I am lookinf for the reset button!”



Entropy is a term more often found in engineering. However, it makes sense when describing how our brains work. You may know it already from the old phrase “all work and no play make Jack and Jill dull.” Another good example used by Lowen is what we all have – the kitchen junk drawer! The more we put in it the messier it gets. The same happens in our brains. When we do anything  for too long we get less effective. After working for a concentrated time we need to use another part of our brain. The following diagrams show this.


You can better understand how this applies to your type by checking your profile.

Go to menu > personality type > expanded MBTI profies

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