I didn’t know that was in there!


I keep a file in my brain that I call “I didn’t know that was in there!” it’s for passages of scripture that I find by surprise. Perhaps some of you are like me and have read the Bible for years. Then stories have become so familiar you think you know them well. It turns out, at least for me, that either I remember them wrong. Sometimes I just missed pieces all together. 

It happened again today. As in another post I was listening to Fr. Bret at the Cathedral of Christ the King in Selma. He was talking about the woman with an issue of blood in the Gospel of Mark as part of the story of the healing of Jairas’ daughter. I had always looked at them separately. However, the healing of the woman who touchesthe hem of Jesus’ garment is in the middle of the story about the daughter.

The connection is what might have happen Ed between these two had Jesus not been there. Because of her bleeding she was considered unclean. She should not have been in a public place. Because of his position as a leader in the synagogue he would be required to chastise her and tell her to go away. Her healing changes everything. His desire for help from Jesus changers everything. Both healings have reaching consequences.  She and women like her don’t need to be outcasts. Death can be overcome by the power of God. 

Another, somewhat humourous thing happened when I read about Jesus talking about preparation before worship. He told the people to first go and reconcile with people whom you have wronged. However, for years I read it backwards. I thought he said go to those who have wronged you! Big difference, right!  

In our culture there are also things you might have thought were in the Bible but are not. For example, “God helps those who help themselves.” That was Ben Franklin and not Jesus. Also people often think when we die and go to heaven we get wings and become angels. That’s just Hollywood. People and angels are two differentkinds if beings. Although in the Bible angels do appear looking like people. We are told we might meet one “unaware.” Hebrews 13:12

The summer before I went to seminary while working in the White Mountains of New Hampshire I picked up an elderly gentleman. We had a great conversation and I visited twice during the rest of the summer. In all likely hood he was not an angel. However, years later I remember him and his wisdom. He was atkeast a angel to me; a messenger of wisdom.

In closing I encourage you to re-read the familiar parts of the Bible with an eye for what you didn’t know was in there!


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