In this day and age, why go to Church?

In this day and age, why go to Church?

These days there is a lot of debate about the Ten Commandments.  One the one side are secularist who believe the Constitution says freedom “from” religion, when it really says freedom “of” religion.  On the other side are conservative Christians who think that our country was always a Christian nation that tolerates other religions, rather than a place where all people are free to follow whatever religion they choose. In the middle are lots of folks who think of themselves as Christians but feel no necessity to attend church.

Church is fine for those who want to go. However, they feel no need, nor necessity to attend themselves.  There are exceptions to this general rule. Some will attend on the big holidays of Christmas and Easter. A few will add Ash Wednesday to that list. Many will come for hatch, match and dispatch: baptisms, weddings, and funerals.  Some men will come to share in special events which feature their children.

The reasons for this lack of attendance vary.  Some stay away because they work hard six days a week and come Sunday they want to sleep late, stay in bed and read the paper. Others are more active. It is their one day to get up early to do chores or play. There is an old joke which says there are two reasons to miss church: bad weather and good weather.

So why should people who consider themselves followers of Jesus go to church? Jesus said, “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them.”  Yes, he also said we should not make a display of our piety but go hide in the closet to pray. However, if we want to be in the presence of God we ought to attend.  Jesus also laid the ground work for Christian worship at the Last Supper when he told the disciples to gather regularly in his name to share the holy meal of communion.

There is nothing in the Bible that says how big the church has to be. One does not have to attend a mega church with thousands of members. Those who dislike, “organized” religion could attend a house church with only a few people.  Sometimes these are very mature, positive, faithful groups.

Aside from obedience to the commands of God it is good and right to attend church. The institution has the keys to the Kingdom. It may lose them from time to time. It may forget what they open. It may refuse to use them. But there they are.  The church is the keeper of the story. The church is the community of faith where we find comfort and support. The church is the place where we are inspired. You can sing a praise song at home by yourself but it just isn’t the same as being in church with ten, a hundred, or a thousand others.

OK  maybe somewhere , sometime, some one or more persons hurt you in church. Maybe you think they are hypocrites. Maybe there was a pastoral scandal. Christians aren’t perfect, and there is no perfect church.  However, if you want to call yourself a Christian, remember to forgive seven times seventy. Get over it and go find a church home, where you can be nurtured in the faith, have the support of a Christian community and experience the presence of God.

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