iPhone Miracles 

iPhone Miracles

My iPhone Miracles are really about the case. The case is not extraordinary; not any more expensive than most. Each morning I take it off the phone in order to insert a device that lets me check my blood sugar and keep track of it on the phone. Consequently, to me, it seems rather loose and worn. For the most part, I am careful with my phone when it’s not in my pocket it is either next to my chair or next to the bed on occasion I will put it somewhere else and find it hard to find.

One day I found it in the bottom of the washing machine! I thought “Oh No!” I can’t afford a new phone they’re so expensive! I rapidly grabbed it out of the bottom of the tub of the washing machine and peeled off the case. There was no evidence upon first examination of water on the screen. I unlocked it, and tried making a call. It worked! Throughout the rest of the day I kept checking it. It was a miracle. I was totally surprised. There was nothing wrong with the phone..

As you can imagine during the next few days, I was extra careful with my phone. I really didn’t want that to happen again.

It was a couple weeks later, when the second miracle occurred. But let me tell you something interesting about the brain. Somewere, somehow, sometime ago I heard that the brain doesn’t hear the negative. This seems strange, since there is so much negativity in the world today. However, I do my best to avoid telling myself not to forget. There have been many times where disaster has hit me after saying, “Do not forget.” The worst was once I put a small computer on top of my car while doing something else and driving away with it still on the car. I never did find that computer.

So I should’ve known better when I put my iPhone in the pocket of my swim trunks and thought to myself, “You better not forget the phone in your pocket.” By now I am sure that you have guessed that I did just that.

We were in the pool playing with our German Shepherd, who just loves playing in the pool. My wife said. “Did you bring your phone out?” I immediately  remembered! Reaching down to my side and patting my pocket, I discovered, not surprisingly, my phone. I quickly reached in, grab the phone and lifted it out of the water.

It seemed relatively dry. I climbed out of the pool and ripped off the case. It was indeed, Miracle number two! 

I don’t know about you, but I believe in miracles, in guardian angels, and the case for my iPhone.

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