January 23 Psalm 39:7 

January 23 Psalm 39:7 

“And now, O Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in you.” (ESV)


This verse comes from a psalm where David reflects on the brevity and fragility of life. In the preceding verses, he acknowledges the fleeting nature of human existence, likening life to a vapor or a shadow. His lament builds to a turning point in verse 7, where he shifts his focus from despair over life’s transience to a declaration of trust in God.

1.Acknowledging Waiting and Hope:

The question, “For what do I wait?” reveals David’s search for meaning amidst life’s uncertainties. Instead of placing hope in worldly achievements, possessions, or even his own strength, he turns to God as the ultimate source of stability and purpose.

2.A Personal Surrender:

This verse encapsulates a moment of surrender, where David recognizes that only God can provide the hope and fulfillment he seeks. His declaration, “My hope is in you,” reflects his dependence on God’s providence and faithfulness.

3.Faith in the Eternal:

By placing his hope in God, David contrasts the temporary nature of life with the eternal nature of God’s promises. This verse reminds readers to align their trust not in the transient but in the unchanging character of God.

4.A Call for Reflection:

This verse invites believers to examine their own priorities. Where do we place our hope? Do we, like David, find our ultimate security in God, or are we distracted by temporary pursuits?

In summary, Psalm 39:7 serves as a powerful reminder that in the face of life’s brevity, our hope should rest in the Lord, who is eternal and unchanging. It encourages believers to trust God in all circumstances, knowing that He is the only true anchor amidst life’s uncertainties.

I am approaching 75 years of life. I do t really know when I became a Senior Citizen. Some say it happens at 50. What I know is now I frequently think of my mother saying “Getting old is not for the faint of heart.”

On the other hand I have a friend who is 86 and going strong. There are many things I still want to do: many things I am doing! My hopes are more about these things than worry over what comes next? 

My hope is God will help me continue in Prison Ministry, writing and self publishing, perhaps starting a podcast and much more.

Where do your hopes lay?

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