January 28 Titus 1:2


January 28 Titus 1:2

“In hope of eternal life, which God, who never lies, promised before the ages began.”


1.Hope of Eternal Life

This phrase highlights the central promise of the Christian faith—eternal life. For believers, this hope is not a vague wish but a confident expectation rooted in the character and promises of God. It signifies a future reality guaranteed by God’s unchanging nature.

2.God Who Never Lies

The verse emphasizes God’s absolute trustworthiness. Unlike humanity, which is often inconsistent or deceptive, God is incapable of lying. This attribute assures believers that His promises, especially the promise of eternal life, are sure and steadfast.

3.Promised Before the Ages Began

The eternal nature of God’s promise underscores His sovereign plan. Before time began, God purposed to offer eternal life to humanity through Jesus Christ. This points to His foreknowledge and eternal covenant, independent of human effort or merit.


•This verse invites believers to rest in the assurance of God’s promises, knowing that He is faithful and unchanging.

•It also challenges us to live in light of the hope of eternal life, allowing that hope to shape our daily actions, decisions, and relationships.

•Finally, it encourages trust in God, who is incapable of falsehood, reminding us to align our lives with His truth.

People say we are dying from the moment we are born. Perhaps it is true, However, we mostly don’t think much about this until we are much older. 

I have noticed that once I passed 70 my contemporaries may be heard to contemplate the realization that “I have less time left thab I have already lived.” There is often another fought. “I want to make the most of what time is left.”

Also as a hospice chaplain, I was privileged to share the last precious moments of life with many people. The ones with faith for eternal life dealt with facing death fared much better.

How have you considered the inevitable fact of your death?

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