Knee Surgery Recovery

Remembering a poem of long ago
Twas memorized for school I know
By Bobby Burns called To a Mouse
For days recited around the house

“The best laid plans gang aft aglee”
Now like the mouse my plans for knee
The operation was so long
Poor Brenda worried what went wrong

And then we learned the healing pace
Will be proverbial  snail’s pace
Must keep leg straight for bone to knit
With in prosthetic metallic grip

Thus not one week nor two or three
Will be the pace of grace for me
But six the number weeks says Doc
With leg unbent I’ll watch the clock

So pray for me my Facebook friends
I’ll heal more quickly than the six do end
And sally forth with bending knee
To sing and dance and pray for thee

But I’ll be good and orders mind
Cause this new knee must last this time

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