Levels of Concern

Levels of Concern

It occurs to me in recovery
From illness, or from surgery
That there are levels we discern
About the things that do concern

So first of all please dull the pain
Do what I can to avoid and gain
Distraction or a pill or two
Whatever works for me or you

Then second inner comfort be
Exit the nausea or anxiety
Let bed be firm or soft to please
And bathroom duties done with ease

A closer next in line is rest
To get enough it is the test
To sleep and yes perhaps to dream
Can make out attitudes supreme

If these three things can be on par
Then fellowship will raise the bar
Of  progress towards our being whole
In body mind and even soul

And in the midst of ev’ry stage
Our prayers and yours will help us wage
The steps towards healing and towards grace
So once again we take our place

With grateful heart and body mended
We’re glad this trial of life has ended
And pray for those who need our prayers
And visit them to say we care

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