Lost my keys

Lost my keys. Yes, just this morning. I needed to go to town and I started looking for my keys. I looked in all the usual places; by my sink in the bathroom, in the pants pocket of the clothes, I wore yesterday, on the table next to my La-Z-Boy. Then I thought perhaps I left them in the truck. They were not there either.

So I temporarily left off the hunt and got my wife’s keys. They were where she usually keeps them. If I might say so, she is not in the habit of keeping things in the same place. Thankfully, this time she did. So off I went to town trying to think where they might be.

I thought the best solution to this problem would be that they fell out of my pocket in the truck. Therefore, I came up with a brilliant plan to see if indeed my keys were still in the truck. Now you have to understand that there is no key it’s a fob. These new fangled vehicles have a button to push. You put your foot on the break and push the button. That’s all there is to it. If the fob is within reach of the vehicle it will start.

So I took my wife’s fob back in the house and left them there in a drawer far away from the truck. Then I went back out and Presto the truck started. So now it was time to do a more thorough search. My wife volunteered to help. However, she suggested that I try again to start the vehicle, but farther away from her fob. So I drove out of the driveway and down the block. I turned off the truck and turned it back on. It was a good test. However, she wanted to be doubly sure, and told me to drive farther away. I was not too happy about this idea as if the truck didn’t start I’d have a long walk back. Not to worry the truck started again.

No, the search of the truck became serious. We got a trashcan and we cleaned and we cleaned and we cleaned. We got the shop vac and clean some more.

Now, here is the first humorous part of this story. I will have to write a post about the lost gun. Among our possessions we have several firearms . One is a small 9 mm. We have missed laid it. After thorough searches of the house and our house in Arkansas we were not able to find it. Being responsible citizens, we decided the right thing to do was to inform the police. They took the report. However, it seemed to me that I was treated like a somewhat demented elderly person. They called me twice to see if I found it. I have not. Well, you might’ve guessed by now while cleaning the truck my wife found the pistol under a layer of junk under her seat. I took a break from the hunt and called the sheriffs office. Oh yes, they remembered me and they would pass the heat information on to a deputy. They want to know where I found it. And it seemed to me they still thought I was a demented old man.

Meanwhile, back to the search; there was still no fob or key ring. I decided to call Nissan and talk to the service department and find out if this was a common problem that sometimes a vehicle might start without a fob. I also asked how far away does the fob need to be before, the vehicle will not start. The answer as you might’ve guessed was that they’ve never heard of this problem and you only need to be about 3 yards away from the vehicle for it not to start. They suggested I bring it in and we might check to see if there was something electrical wrong with the starting Mechanism?

Now fast-forward to the evening. As I was getting undressed to take my shower, I checked once more through all the pockets. For some reason I decided to Pat the pockets of my warm winter shirt. You guessed it. I found the keys.

If from time to time you find that you have lost something important, don’t give up. Hope you might find it in a place you didn’t think to look. As common wisdom says it will be in the last place you do look. I hate that thought because I certainly wouldn’t keep looking once I found it.

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