Lost Rings in 2025




Lost Rings in 2025: In a previous post I wrote about a ring I lost back in the 90s 

This story is about two rings lost and found recently.

The big tourquise ring was purchased on our trip to see the Sequia forest in 2017. The Jerusalem cross ring is really a very inexpensive one I don’t even remember buying. However, I have always had a fibdness for the Jerusalem cross. I purchased vestments in Jerusalem old city market decorated with them. 

Also I even forgot about that ring since it has been missing a long time. One day while cleaning the bedroom it turned up! However, I’ve lost some weight and it tends to slip off my finger without me even noticing. Hence I have lost and found it several times.

Now the turquoise ring had not been lost until a month ago and I didteven notice it was gone! Vone day I looked at my hand and was shocked to see it was gone. I did my best to be calm about the lost. I told myself material things shouldn’t matter so much. 

On the. Ext trip to out place in Arkansas I had the Jerusalem Cross skip off again. This time it went under a piece of furniture. Rather than go to the trouble I thought since I knew where is was Id get it later. Then as we were cleaning house before coming home my wife moved the furniture, found the ring and gave it back to me.

Later in the day as I was hooking our trailer to the truck I looked down and saw a ring lying on its side. Thinking it apwas the Jerusalem cross ring slipping off again I grabbed it with out looking and shoved it on my finger. Then as we were leaving and driving up the steep hill away from our property I happened to look at my hand at the top of the steering wheel.

Wow! It was my tourquise ring there on my finger right on top of the Jerusalem ring!

If you know anything about MBTI personality I score O on Sensing! Not to mention very low on Perception. LOL

Now, as you can see in the picture they are both on the same finger wedged in so that neither can slip off


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