March 1 Acts 10:43
To him all the prophets bear witness that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.â€
This verse is part of Peter’s speech to Cornelius, a Roman centurion, and his household. It serves as a powerful conclusion to Peter’s proclamation of the gospel, emphasizing the universal offer of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.
1. Fulfillment of Prophecy Peter affirms that “all the prophets bear witness to Jesus. This points to the Old Testament prophecies that foretold the coming of the Messiah, such as Isaiah 53, Jeremiah 31:34, and Daniel 9:24. The Jewish scriptures consistently pointed to a Savior who would bring forgiveness of sins.
2. Faith as the Means of Salvation The verse underscores that salvation is available to “everyone who believes in him. This reflects a major theme in the New Testament (John 3:16, Romans 10:9-10) that salvation is by faith, not by works or adherence to the Law.
3. Forgiveness Through His Name The phrase “through his name” signifies that Jesus alone has the authority to grant forgiveness. It aligns with Acts 4:12, where Peter earlier declared, “there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.â€
4. The Universality of the Gospel In the context of Acts 10, this verse is revolutionary because it is spoken to a Gentile audience. Peter, a Jew, is recognizing that salvation is not just for Israel but for all people. This moment marks a major turning point in the early church, as the gospel begins to break ethnic and cultural barriers.
Salvation is for all who believe, regardless of background.
The Old Testament consistently points to Jesus as the promised Messiah.
True forgiveness comes only through faith in Christ, not human effort.
We are called to share this message with all people, as Peter did.
This verse beautifully encapsulates the heart of the gospel faith in Jesus Christ brings complete forgiveness and reconciliation with God.
I once had “Forgiveness is my business” printed on my business card. Truely it is the business of us all who share the Gospel of God’s gracious forgiveness to all who repent and call upon His Name.
With whom did you share the Gospel recently?
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