March 13 Colossians 2:6-7
“Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.”
1. Receiving Christ (v. 6)
Paul reminds the Colossians that they have received Christ Jesus as Lord. This is more than an intellectual belief—it implies full acceptance of His authority and the transformation that follows. The phrase “walk in Him” signifies an ongoing, active relationship with Christ, where faith is lived out in daily life.
2. Growth and Stability in Christ (v. 7)
Paul uses three metaphors to describe Christian maturity:
• Rooted – Like a tree planted firmly in good soil, believers must be deeply grounded in Christ. This reflects permanence and nourishment in faith (cf. Psalm 1:3).
• Built up – A construction image, suggesting continuous growth in faith, layer by layer, forming a strong spiritual structure.
• Established in the faith – Stability comes through faithful teaching, ensuring that believers are not swayed by false doctrines (cf. Colossians 2:8).
3. Overflowing with Thanksgiving
Paul emphasizes that gratitude should characterize the Christian life. Thanksgiving is a sign of spiritual health, demonstrating trust in God’s sufficiency and joy in salvation. A heart overflowing with gratitude is less vulnerable to doubt, deception, or discouragement.
Application: Living Out This Passage
• Continue in Christ
Faith is not a one-time decision but a lifelong walk.
• Deepen your roots
Study Scripture, engage in prayer, and strengthen your relationship with Christ.
• Grow in faith
Be built up by sound teaching and fellowship.
• Live in gratitude
Recognize God’s work in your life and respond with thanksgiving.
This passage calls believers to remain steadfast in Christ, growing in faith, and responding to God’s grace with a grateful heart.
The Christian life is a great challenge. It can be difficult to remain in an attitude of gratitude. My current challenge is back pain. I remind myself it as not as bad as the terrible back pain I had for 6 weeks two years ago. Another way I cope is remembering an elderly parishioner with terrible arthritis. I never once saw her complain or even grimace in my presence. I”ll be 76 in May. I am grateful to be able to do much and grateful to preach, and teach as I visit in prison.
What challenges your walk with Christ in gratitude?
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