March 20  1 John 3:23

March 20  1 John 3:23

“And this is his commandment, that we believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ and love one another, just as he has commanded us.”

This verse beautifully summarizes the essence of Christian obedience in two interconnected commands: faith in Christ and love for others. These are not separate duties but deeply linked aspects of a transformed life in Christ.

1. Faith in Christ

Believing in the name of Jesus is not merely intellectual assent but a complete trust in who He is—our Savior, Lord, and the Son of God. Faith in His name means relying on His righteousness, grace, and sacrifice for our salvation.

2. Loving One Another

Genuine faith manifests in love. John repeatedly emphasizes that love is the defining mark of a true believer (1 John 4:7-8). Just as Jesus commanded (John 13:34-35), our love must be active, sacrificial, and reflective of God’s love for us.



• Examine Your Faith

Do you trust in Christ fully, or are you relying on personal effort? True faith rests in Him alone.

• Practice Love

Are you loving others as Christ loved you? This includes both fellow believers and those who are difficult to love.

• Live Obediently

Faith and love are inseparable in the Christian life. One naturally fuels the other.

In essence, this verse encapsulates what it means to follow Christ: trust Him and love like Him.

I would prefer to be able to just naturally follow this teaching. I mean as in just do it. However, in my experience, “just naturally” is more often to be self centered. Don’t most of us want what we want when we want it. Christ calls us to first seek to help others with what they need. Over time this can be more “natural”. In my experience it takes the obedience John is teaching us. Then the joy of service will take place what we want actually becomes this live for others.

What has been your experience?

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